Saturday, March 16, 2013

Just passing by

This battle report as with most of the scenarios in my campaign happened at night.
 The roving band of escaped Dinosaurs having just breached the containment were heading through town with the cover of night to find a new location to inhabit.
While working their way through the streets they encountered the vampire gang once again and things got ugly. the first thing the vamps heard was the rumbling of the ground. something big was heading their way. They stayed in the shadows and waited to see what was coming. the first thing to come around the corner was the pack of raptors moving at a high rate of speed not unusual for them.
The vamps decided they could take them down and possible make a meal of them so they headed toward them just as the bigger tyrannosaurus came around the bend. at the point the two groups had already started to tear into each other so the t-rex joined the fray. seeing his people in trouble Kaspar the lead vampire with this pack lunged across the combats in front of him and went straight for the t-rex.
They went at it and the fight went back and forth before the sound of sirens could be heard coming up quickly. The police rolled up and started to try and break up the mess.
The dinosaurs managed to take down a couple of the vampires before the police were able to intervene so by the time they opened fire there was just Kaspar fighting solo against the t-rex. The police managed to drop a couple of the remaining raptors and started to open fire on the t-rex. a round caught him in the knee and dropped him temporarily before he hopped back up and ran off into the darkness.
Kaspar moved on the police by himself and realizing that their bullets weren't having an effect the police began a withdrawal.
They were mostly back to their vehicles when he disappeared down a dark street. Things are getting pretty weird on the streets of Manhattan these days and only seem to be getting worse. Something big is going to happen soon...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Security Breach

The recently set up containment unit by GGT has had a security breach. It seems some of the experiments have be able to escape. In this scenario the saurians were challenged to use there intelligence to get free from the containment cells. While these should have been set up to contain them and be escape proof but it appears that they have found a way. There may have been some other group involved but nothing has be discovered so far in the investigation.

Here are the forces: The Saurians (an allosuarus and 5 raptors)

The Containment crew (4 armed company agents and 2 scientists with pistols )

The Map set up (the agents don't arrive until the scientists trigger the alarm)

One of the Scientist is walking across the containment area.

The Allosaurus and 2 of the raptors breach their containment rooms and attack one of the scientists. The other manages to get to the alarm and set it off. (the scientist was eaten shortly after this photo :) )

The surviving scientist hide out until the agents arrive to help.  The first agents on the scene open up on the attacking saurians.

The rest of the agents arrive and also open fire on the saurians as well.

Two of the raptors are shot and killed during this exchange as the saurians make a push for the exit. The remaining raptos break loose from their cells and join the fray. I needed to take more pictures here :) 
3 of the agents are taken down and the Allosaurus is knocked down as well. The surviving scientist attempts to kill it while it is down but it was able to get up and shortly thereafter make a meal of him as well.

The remaining agent is chased down a hallway as the saurians make for their escape.

This proved to be a major blow to GGT and they are now bringing in additional support to contain this issue.