Thursday, November 22, 2012

Reptile outbreak contained

GGC has contained the recent outbreak of reptiles (alligators from a nearby lab). They escaped from our local NY lab and have now been contained and moved to better containment.

We had this special unit flown in from one of our pacific labs. We assure the public that the new containment is much improved and there will be no further outbreaks. This was a small batch of alligators that were at the lab for routine experiments and no citizens were harmed during or after the breakout.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The LAPD made a move today to combat the growing menace of vampires living under and around the city. They discovered a cache of human victims that the vampires were keeping alive deep below the surface of the city.
Once they made there way into the depths they discovered a small group of vampires. The fighting was intense and had it not been for a veteran police detective who has already dealt with the undead things could have gone bad pretty quickly. They managed to kill or fend off all of the vampires they could find and rescue as many citizens as they could find. it does appear that a good amount of innocents were left in the depths but the LAPD did not want to risk losing a large portion of their forces so they pulled back their assault.

Friday, September 28, 2012

First Encounters

During the darkness of the night a 911 call was made. 

A business woman working late at her office had heard screams. When she got outside she saw a very pale person attacking someone by the nearby gas station. right before she was able to run back inside and call 911 she heard a large thump across town. It was followed by strange animal noises unlike anything she had heard before. 
"911 what is the reason for you call please" 
"someone is being murdered outside, i think some crazy drug addict is trying to bite and eat them, There's blood everywhere, lt's like the guy with the bath salts i was on TV!" 
"can you tell me the location of this incident?" 
"yes, its the Hess gas station on williams st. diagonal from the first national credit union building, near the edge of town, you need to come quick!" 
"we will send out some police right away, please stay inside until they arrive" 
"also there might be some terrorists here, i heard a low thumping booming sound kind of like an explosive going off" 
"where was this?" 
"this was like a block or two across from the gas station" 
"ok we'll let the police know about that as well" 
"someone is at the front door of my bulding yelling for me to come out!!!" 
"please stay calm and stay inside" "AAAAAAg, he's coming in!!!" "can you find a room to hide in and lock the door?" 
thud, the operator hears the phone hit the floor.... 

The police arrived on scene around 8:15pm to quite a mess. There were some crazy pale people biting other people who where screaming and being taken down to the ground. They police were working their way toward that scene and just like a scene out of a movie a group of dinosaurs, yes dinosaurs came running up one of the streets. 

The police split up and headed to both areas of town to try and clear out some of the citizens. the dinosaurs seemed to be making meals of the population while the "vampires" where taking victims away into the darkness. 

The police swat team opened up on the dinosaurs and ended up in a fight to the death. The vampires swept into town and took some victims and made a quick exit. They mixed it up with the reptiles a bit but seemed to not be there to deal with them. 
By the end of the day the police had done a good job of saving the citizens and managed to run off both of the attacking forces. What is this place coming to?

GGT, (Global Genetics Technologies) a Genetic engineering Company. Funding from grants, and investors, GGT has made many strides in, mass-producing insulin, human growth hormones, and vaccinations. GGT has for the last decade, been furtively generating organisms through recombinant DNA, bring together genetic material from multiple sources. But to make things even worse, these are the things that should not be. God help us, if one of those creature ever escape, it could be the end of humanity as we know it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Manhattan Map

So here's the map we will be using for the campaign.

1. Gruselig Caverns 
10. Aldini Medical

The Blank Locations aren't known yet. Some will be occupied by players and some will be occupied by non players. Once a location is discovered to be inhabited by someone or soemthing i will update the list.

The campaign will be starting soon!!!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Visit Gruselig Caverns!

Imagine stepping into an elevator that takes you 156 feet below the Earth's surface. When the elevator stops, the doors open into a prehistoric underground cavern six million years in the making. As you exit into the Vestibule, your imagination takes hold.

The air down here is different. A constant 52º Fahrenheit / 12º Celsius and 70-75% humidity, year round.

As your eyes adjust to the underworld, shadows hide secrets in every crack and crevice. Sound echoes off the walls and ceiling, reminding you of just how deep you have descended and what surprises await you in the underground wonder.

You don't have to be a serious caver or spelunker to appreciate the geology of Gruselig Caverns. Your specially trained tour guide will help you negotiate the cave and learn about the magnificent limestone formations, the stalactites, stalagmites and natural Amethyst growths, and the tremendous conservation effort underway to protect and preserve Guselig Caverns for future generations.

Its fun for the whole family. Just remember DO NOT STRAY FROM THE PATHS SHOWED TO YOU FROM YOUR GUIDE. doing so can result in injuries and could be very dangerous. The rumors of ancient relics are false. I repeat do not stray from the paths! oh and HAVE FUN!!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Aldini Medical

Aldini Medical and Pharmaceutical Services
"Io sono la creazione della vita!"

At the beginning of the 21st century, Aldini Medical has become the largest commercial entity in Italy and the United States. Nine out of every ten homes contain its products. Its political and financial influence is felt everywhere. In public, it is the world's leading supplier of medical technology , medical products, and healthcare. 

We are here to serve you! 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

testing, testing, 1 2...

so we are currently in the testing phase to get a good handle on the fear and faith system before we actually get the campaing going. i still need to also find out from the players what they would like to play. more info to come soon!

Friday, July 27, 2012

and it begins...

In one part of town police are trying to deal with things they have never had to deal with before. Things that shouldn't or can't exist. There are also people who have taken it upon themselves to fight these evils along side the law or out side of it. These evils cannot be allowed to fester and spread. Are these the first days of the apocalypse upon us? Is this what has been foretold in countless religions across the earth?

And in the dark recesses things start to stumble, shamble, spill, and flop out to either cause terror or pain, or for the simple purpose that is just to feed to survive. The darkness makes it easier to get around and not be seen by the humans as much.

Some twisted, perverse humans have become obsessed with the dark things and now worship them and the destruction to humanity they bring.

What will the outcome be of all this? only time will tell.

As we embark on the first chapter of this mini series of campaigns the players and their choices will dictate where things go and how they end up. Will it have a bad ending or a good one? we won't know this until things have played out.

This will be a campaign run through the fear and faith system and will consist of skirmish games telling the story as they go. Everyone will play a part and will have an effect on the final outcome. If you would like to play you need nothing but to tell me what you would like to play. I will supply forces to those wishing to play but not to paint their own models just need to let me know what kind of forces you would like to play.

Player's also have the option to create the stats for the models in their force. This system has a troop builder for this.